Recent regulatory inspections by European Authorities culminated in the successful acquisition of two GMP certificates:

· Part I underscores our commitment to sterile peptides and contract laboratory excellence, aligning with Annex 1 standards.
· Part II extends this commitment across our entire peptide portfolio.

These achievements amplify our dedication to producing high-quality peptide Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) and our continuous efforts to meet and exceed industry standards. Grateful for our team’s hard work and dedication!

In the 7th edition of the Trifermed Awards for social impact in healthcare on the 19th September, Antonio Parente, founder and president of BCN Peptides, received the Professional Trajectory Award.

We are grateful to Trifermed for recognizing his accomplishments and contributions to improving people’s health, it inspires us to continue our mission of making a positive difference in the healthcare industry.

This represents a huge adknowledgement of his and our values and compromise towards pharmaceutical and biotechnological research for a better healthcare in our society!

You can find the interview below:

BCN PEPTIDES està compromès amb la sostenibilitat Mediambiental, per aquest motiu, conjuntament amb altres mesures per reduir el nostre impacte, hem instal·lat múltiples carregadors per a vehicles elèctrics. El nostre objectiu és assolir zero emissions relacionades amb els desplaçaments diaris dels nostres empleats. Ens complau informar que en col·laboració amb el nostres esforços, BCN Peptides ha rebut finançament públic del Programa Moves III per a la instal·lació de carregadors elèctrics. Ref. exp. ICA023/21/006050 subvencionat en el marc de la convocatòria oberta per Resolució ACC/2914/2021, de 27 de setembre.

BCN PEPTIDES is deeply committed to Environmental sustainability, so among other measures to reduce our impact we have installed multiple charging stations for electric vehicles. Our target is to reach zero emissions related to the daily commutes of our employees. We are glad to inform that in collaboration with our efforts, BCN Peptides has received public funding from the Moves III Program for the installation of electric chargers. Ref. exp. ICA023/21/006050 subsidized within the framework of the call open by Resolution ACC/2914/2021, of September 27.

BCN PEPTIDES está comprometido con la sostenibilidad Medioambiental, por eso, entre otras medidas para reducir nuestro impacto, hemos instalado múltiples cargadores para vehículos eléctricos. Nuestro objetivo es alcanzar cero emisiones relacionadas con los desplazamientos diarios de nuestros empleados. Nos complace informar que en colaboración con nuestros esfuerzos, BCN Peptides ha recibido financiación pública del Programa Moves III para la instalación de cargadores eléctricos. Ref. exp. ICA023/21/006050 subvencionada en el marco de la convocatoria abierta por Resolución ACC/2914/2021, de 27 de septiembre.