BCN Peptides defines its Quality and Environment Policy through the following points
– To comply with the legal and regulatory requirements that apply to the BCN peptides activity, as well as to meet those requirements that the organization subscribes related to its environmental aspects.
– Ensure and strengthen competitiveness in the national and international market by offering quality products.
– Achieve the efficiency of our processes in order to do thing right, at the first and with the least impact on the environment, thus helping to curb climate change.
– Make an efficient resource management in order to control and reduce, wherever possible, the environmental impact.
– Achieve a continuous improvement of all our processes as well as the prevention of contamination derived from the BCN Peptides activity through focussing on processes (plan, do, check and act) and thinking based on risks.
– Achieve a continuous satisfaction of our clients.
– Awareness all personnel that quality and respect for the environment is everyone’s concern.